Bridal Package

At Karma Hair Design and Wellness Spa we know how special your wedding day is. We excel at letting your inner beauty shine. Call to schedule your consultation now. To help the process go as smoothly as possible, print our Bridal Party form out at home, complete it and bring it with you. We won’t let you walk down that aisle unless you’re picture perfect!
The Classic: 50 minute Swedish massage or Le Grand Classic facial plus gel manicure with complimentary paraffin & pedicure.
We go to the spa for many reasons. Our descriptions offer many of the physical health benefits of spa visits. But spa treatments offer more; and YDS provides the atmosphere for the complete benefits package spa treatments bring.
Relax and unwind alone or with your friends. This could mean taking the opportunity to practice mindfulness; or taking a break from social media and technology.
Time to nurture yourself – it will cheer you up when you’re blue
Regular facials improve skin health, regular massages improve posture and destress; either or both increases your self-esteem and self-confidence
Regular spa visits offer the chance to get closer to your friends, leaving you feeling more connected.
YDS promotes wellness from a holistic perspective. If you need a little psychological boost to change a bad habit or keep a good one, your regular spa habit can help you consciously make good choices throughout your life including eating nourishing foods and making positive lifestyle changes.
Next time you visit YDS, allow your mind to drift and practice being in the present moment. Then enjoy the many benefits regular spa treatments deliver.

Package Menu

The Premiere: 50 minute Sweedish massage, Le Grand Classic facial, gel manicure with complimentary paraffin & pedicure.
The Classic: 50 minute Swedish massage or Le Grand Classic facial plus gel manicure with complimentary paraffin & pedicure.
The Combination: Series of 6 Le Grand Classic facials or 50 minute Swedish massages, or any combination of the two.
The Facial: Series of 4 Le Grand Classic facials at a 15% discount. If you add microdermabrasion to the series, you'll recieve 1 at no cost.
The Massage: Monthly 50 minute Swedish massages for one year. Free deep Tissue upgrade for each. Sunless Tanning Parties
Sunless Tanning Parties
A sunless tanning party is the perfect idea for: Bachelorette parties, Weddings, Showers, Girls Nights, Birthdays, Holidays, Proms.
Are you hosting a party? You can tan for free. Here’s how:
Full Body: If your party has 6 or more guests, the hostess tans for free
Upper Body: If your party has 6 or more guests, the hostess tans for free. Upper body includes face, neck, shoulders, and arms
(We recommend sunless tanning 24 to 48 hours before your event.)
Sunless Tanning Packages: (All packages expire 1 year after purchase)
1 session
2 sessions
5 sessions
Sunless Tanning Memberships*
Up to 4 sessions per month
*Memberships do not roll over
Do you belong to or coach a Cheer Squad or Dance Team? Schedule a consultation with Sherry to discuss how we can work with you & your team to keep you glowing all year round – or for major events.